Youth Program

Over the years, Eric has developed a youth program with horses based on safety, empathy and building confidence. While it is important to enjoy time with horses, there are many life lessons that kids can learn through working with them. Learning how to read the horse and adjust yourself accordingly as to how you make your request, teaches children to focus on the task at hand and evaluate the response that the horse is giving.

Other skills that kids can develop with horses:

    ~ Boundaries: when to draw the line and say "no"
    ~ Fairness: how to ask for something you desire and take others feelings into consideration
    ~ Self Esteem: building a high regard for yourself and learning to do that where others are concerned
    ~ Self Awareness: becoming in tune with yourself mentally, emotionally and physically
    ~ Self Control: being able to change the path you are on when you recognize how you are affecting not only yourself, but others around you.
Located in Georgetown, Texas                  512.868.7638